Milky Oolong


Mingjian, Nantou County, Taiwan

Taiwanese Milky Oolong Tea. 50g

Tasting Notes
Butter, Creamy, Nutty

Prepare water to 85ยฐ C. Add half a teaspoon of leaves per 500ml. Steep for 2 minutes minimum

More information on Milky Oolong here


Camouflaged among gleaming succulents stands an intriguing glass house. Thoroughly apathetic to those who cross his path, a stout, grey cat entitles himself to the land as though it were his ancestral home – though it isnโ€™t. He has many different aliases but it is his state of dispassionate indifference which makes him instantly recognisable upon mention. Locals compare encounters over cups of milky oolong tea – its creaminess worthy of a regal feline. Once or twice a quick pat was tolerated (perhaps even clandestinely enjoyed), but that was the extent of his benevolence. Of late the yard has been empty; the glass reflects a lonely scene. A solemn condolence now replaces curiosity when passing that strange glass house with the shining jade plants.


Additional information
Weight 100 g